- 9 IN-GAME poses
- All meant to be taken up close but the legs/arms have been put into simple poses just in case
-  They have the icons above!
 - [APD] Expressions in game!

+ Modified version of the Parenthood dyed hair.
+ Parenthood REQUIRED
+ All EA colors
+ Hat compatible
+ Correct LODs for 0 and 1, anything passed was causing major issues to the hair.

- Recolor of a rad, sensual v-neck by @kismet-sims
- Thumbnail!!
- 20 patterns: 4 pokemon patterns, 3 game-related ones, 4 bee-related ones, 3 with stripes, and then like.. 6 random ones thrown in (two shown above).
CREDITS: Colourlovers, mrlillustratesnaimlysailormoomins, and various others that I can’t find a tumblr for anymore? if your pattern is here feel free to contact me!!

Posters of your favorite boys.

+ 20 swatches
+  Quotes from MBMBAM, The Adventure Zone, and Monster Factory

Credits: Lina Cherie for the Mesh, Leon Rozelaar for 10 art swatches

+ Eleven Poses Altogether; 3, two person poses. 9 single person poses.
To see them in action check my tag here

20 swatches: 10 different designs. 8 switch from left or right. 2 are either in black or white.
Custom Thumbnail.
+ Found under tattoos.

+ 6 swatches; One with just dirt, Four with a mix, One with just bloody hands
+ Custom Thumbnail
+ Found under Tattoos

+ Six swatches including white and black
+ Found under tattoos
+ Custom thumbnail

20 swatches
5 colors, 4 different styles; regular, light sclera, dark sclera, cloudy light sclera
Found under facepaint
+ Custom thumbnail
CREDITS: EA for the eye texture.

A lil bit a' poof, a lil bit a' City Living patterns. 

+ New mesh
+ TF to EF
+  9 swatches (6 patterned, 3 plain)
+ One thumbnail
+ Because of the poof it adds a small amount of 'volume' to your booty.

CREDITS: EA for the mesh and textures.


Recolors of those gold teeth, now in a variety of colors.

- 12 colors, including purple, red, and silver (shown above)
- No thumbnail, but it shouldn't be too hard to find unless you have a lot of CC teeth

CREDITS: EA for the mesh.

A sim request from Tumblr, now up for download.

CREDITS: All CC creators I used to make him.

A request from Tumblr, up for download.

CREDTIS: All the creators for his CC, thank you~

Space buns for your sims. 

- All 18 EA colors
- Hat compatible 

CREDITS: EA for the mesh.

Baby bangs for your cuties. 

- Dine Out Game Pack REQUIRED
- All 18 EA colors, S&P colors are replaced with a more flat grey and grey/brown.

CREDITS: EA for the mesh.

Shirts for all you Cow Chop fans 🐮🔪.

- 13 prints using real life shirts (repeating emoji is my own design)
- Recolor of base game shirts. 

CREDITS: Thousand_Year_Roar for the facing forward Cow print. Damn dude.

Six recolors of hairs in Pooklets Palette.

CREDITS: Pooklet for actions, WildlyMiniatureSandwhich, Simduction, and Enrique for the meshes.

A de-crowned Vampire hair for females, Teen - Elder.

- All EA colors (18). 
- REQUIRES Vampires Game Pack.

CREDITS: EA for the mesh.

An edited bunny decoration from the base game. 

- Shrunk to be cuter, smaller, and happier
- 18 colors; 1 original, 5 Pooklet colors, 6 Mochi colors, and 6 Spooky colors

CREDITS: Pooklet, Spooky-Sims, Xasisssprings for the palette & EA for the mesh.

A mesh edit of a candle.

- REQUIRES City Living
- Resized and recolored
- 9 solid swatches, 9 gradients

CREDITS: EA for the mesh

Adult hat converted for toddlers. 

- 6 swatches, all the original colors. 

CREDITS: EA for the mesh.

Toddler hair converted for Teens - Elder 

- 9 colors

CREDITS: EA for the mesh.

Acid worn jeans for your sims. 

- 40 colors in Xasissprings 'Mochi Palette'
- Recolor (MESH)

CREDITS: Simsao for the mesh, Xasisssprings for the colors

Horns for your devils and other fantasy types.

- Recolor (MESH)
- 18 swatches, 9 natural wood colors & 9 unnatural
- Retextured two horns (above) to look like wood
- Some colors from Pooklet's palette

CREDITS: Flapjack for the mesh.

A cute blush for your sims.

- 11 colors (3 natural, 9 unnatural)
- Locations include uner the eyes, nose, ears, knuckles, knees, etc

Tie Dye shirts for the ~radical~ sims in your life.
- 18 swatches
- Recolor (MESH)

Credits: Dani-paradise for the mesh.

Sim pictured above for download.
For resources click HERE

Sim pictured above for download. 
Resources can be found at the link HERE

6 sims for your use. 
(in order from left to right)

A hat and glasses converted for children. 
All original swatches for each item. 

Credits: pxelgem 

- 18 scars in total, 16 with a darker variation to match other skin tones. 
- Located in 7 different categories including lip mole, freckles, wrinkle, etc etc.

A gift that contains (mostly) everything you see on the picture.
- Fisherman hat unlocked and recolored
- Flower necklace, glasses, and rain boots converted for adults
Necklace and glasses are NOT BGC and REQUIRE Outdoor Retreat

- Cazy West Coast hair recolored (MESH)
- Spaced out freckles recolored 
- Robotic Arm Tshirt recolored (MESH)
- Belle Hair recolored (MESH)

Freckles do not require mesh.

CREDITS: Hallowsims, Novsim, Servobride, Chocolate Muffin Top

A tattoo based entirely on Twenty One Pilots album (and corresponding music videos).
Two swatches: One covers the bottom of the neck and just more in general compared to the first swatch.

Apple Juice is a Photoshop Action meant to brighten game play, literally. Like any shine you see will be amplified. For more examples, my entire Loops Legacy uses the Apple Juice action.